

Bare-chested XR activists protest in front...

Bare-chested Extinction Rebellion Protestors chained themselves to the Parliament gate in order to protest against the British government.On the last day of the 10-day...

Operation Moonshot: Can it stop the...

Boris Johnson believes a large scale-testing program is the only hope to avoid a second lockdown in the UK. With a hefty budget of...

Outrage over Tory MPs to block...

The UK’s Labour party and Grenfell campaign groups came together to condemn the Tory's to vote against the proposal that has been placed to...

The founder of Wiki Leaks Julian...

Australian editor and activist Julian Assange is back on trial and is likely to face 175 years of solitary confinement in the US. Anika...

5 restaurants offering ‘Eat Out to...

A few of your favorite London restaurants are extending the Eat Out to Help out Scheme for the month of September. We bring you...

Climate activist blocked roads in Central...

Climate protestors took over the streets in central London and blocked roads, disrupting the MP's return to the parliament. Anika Khan reports.Thousands of protestors...

Apprenticeships in Uk are at Risk

Unions and industrial heads have warned that the industry for skilled workers in the UK is in danger. This includes industries that represent IT,...

The European government condemns NGO workers...

On Friday, a charity reconnaissance plane ‘Moonbird’ alerted the Louise Michel rescue ship of a boat carrying 130 refugees in the Mediterranean Sea.The rescue...

Health Workers in the UK demands...

Healthcare unions have started a movement demanding a pay rise for all the years of unnoticed service and determination in their fields of work....

Bank Holiday Online Festivals you MUST...

Muddy fields and sweaty tents as we know them may be postponed for the year, but it doesn’t mean festival holders are keeping us...