
10 ways to get used to of “new normal”

Since the COVID-19 outbreak, we have experienced all sorts of negativity and positivity and the bad thing that hit us differently. Though we are humans and get used to pain, anxiety, problems, and negative stuff that pass with time, we tend to believe it as the ‘new normal’. Hence, we need to take care of our mental states to get used to the ‘new normal’ life coronavirus has introduced. 

Many things and ways are there to help you handle these feelings and get used to them and adjust. Here are ten ways to get used to of “new normal”. 

Accept Life

Live in the present and accepting the situations you’re in will allow growing. Do not worry much about the past or the future. Try not to dwell in “what ifs” or what was “supposed” to rather enjoy how life is going but yes obviously pre-planning is a good thing to keep on practice. 

Discuss and open up 

Knowing when to say and where to say is a form of subtleness. One should always know if the opposite person is on the same page or not about the situation before socializing with others and discussing. Making conversation tends to make others comfortable to open up. Talk to people about changes, know about their fears and expectations so minimize the risk of conflicts. 

Express Feelings

One of the prime ways of getting back to normal life by accepting the situations is to talk about and express feelings. No matter what you’re going through and feeling you should let people know about these. This way people will also have the scope to help you out or sometimes just bring heard is a great way of expressing. 


The habit of exercising is the best stress reliever and relaxation technique. Not only physical health but also your mental health will improve through exercise. 

Face Your Fears

Don’t be scared! This may sound scary, uncomfortable but confronting the causes of anxiety and facing your area of fear will ultimately help to beat anxiety. 

Limit Socializing

It might be tempting to make lots of plans and say yes to everything now that restrictions have lifted, but there’s no need to rush.

Take it step by step, and only do what is comfortable and safe for you to ease back into socializing – then you can build your time back up as your confidence returns.

Proper information

A new world is a world of information but one must have the knowledge to pick and differentiate between right and wrong data so there’s no place for confusion. There’s lots of conflicting and confusing information about COVID-19 which may make it difficult to follow or believe. So instead of picking lousy Info’s stick to trusted resourceful sources especially anything provided by the GOV. 

Life isn’t the same anymore. We have lost, learned, defeated still life goes on. But during the journey of life, we may win or lose yet something affects us in such a way that we can’t ignore it, mental health is one of them! We must take care of our mental health’s well-being. 

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