

5 Influenced strategies of Influencer Business

In today’s world, everything is the game house of influencers. An influencer is a person who inspires or guides the actions of others. He/she...

TikTok: A game-changer for Beauty Businesses

I think there is not a single person on the internet who does not know about TikTok. TikTok has rapidly become a major platform...

‘TakeCare Ltd.’ thriving towards the Bangladeshi...

With the vision of creating and enabling a healthcare system for seekers of Bangladesh from door to door now through apps and websites, “TakeCare...

Extinction Rebellion: Climate Change Revolution

Scientists, who are concerned about climate, have started a new campaign in demand of passive revolution to fight climate-related challenges.In Spain, scientists are joined...

Is the National Health Service crisis...

Can you imagine hospitals asking wounded people to stay away from emergencies till their lives are in danger? That is what six hospitals in...

3 steps to support World Health...

This year World Health Day is working on the theme ‘Our Planet, Our Health’. Nowadays we are fighting many health diseases like heart disease,...

Covid19: The Poor people’s Tale

Covid has wreaked havoc in every corner of the world. Again, the urgency of covid is in news, covid has become the tale of...

Mental health services for children and...

A new study found that mental health services are continuously failing to give the right health services to teens which are truly shocking. Sixty-three...

Fossil Fuel: A warning for the...

As the world is witnessing a humanitarian crisis, the environment is also plagued with human intervention crises. Excessive use of anything doesn’t result in...

Spatial Rights of the Working Class

In the UK, around 2.5 billion square feet of vacant storage and space are available but about a third of the working-class families are...