
Sunday Social: 5 reasons why you should have a break from your smartphone

Have we become too reliant on our smartphones in 2020? Here are 5 reasons why you should take a break from the electronic device and devote some time to yourself.

  1. Increased productivity 

The beeps, rings, buzzes, and vibrates we receive daily through to our phones prompt us to check the screens more frequently, making it difficult to engage in productive activities. Turning your phone off or leaving it on your bedside will motivate you to complete and cross off the jobs on your list.

  1. More free time and better sleep

Turning your phone off will almost certainly give you more free time to do the things you love. This can also be a great time to take a deep breath and do absolutely nothing! Recent studies by Ohio State University found that using your mobile phone before bed links to insomnia and less energy the following day. Changing your habit of reading or meditating can influence a great sleep.

  1. Less comparing

The naked truth is, if we didn’t have access to social media sites filled with acne-blocking, tummy-shrinking edited images, we wouldn’t consistently be seeking self-validation. Comparing yourself with online images is damaging to your physical and mental health. It’s good to take a break from the online world and appreciate what you see in the mirror.

  1. Decreased anxiety 

Whilst checking ‘urgent’ notifications, scrolling through your social media or reading political propaganda, you can cause chemical imbalances that affect anxiety and stress. Being on your phone less will reduce the overstimulation of stress from the cyberworld.

  1. Personal growth

Devoting time to yourself will allow you to learn and simplify your life. Being in the physical world will help you appreciate the minor details around you. Remember that hug from your mum and the taste of your favorite food. Remember that horrendously could walk along the beach and the voices of your friends singing at your local bar. Remember to put two feet on the ground and take a break from your smartphone. 

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