
Sunday Social: 5 green alternatives saving your bank account

Going green with reusable products is often presumed to be expensive. But by switching to multi-use environmental products we are saving in the long run and reducing mass waste. 

Here is a list of easy environment-friendly alternatives you can switch to:

  1. Reusable laundry washing egg 

RRP: £9.99 

This reusable egg is made from 100% recyclable plastic and was initially developed for sensitive skin users.

Unlike laundry detergent, the eggs pellets are biodegradable when they hit the drain and can last up to 50 washes before they need replacing. 

  1. Reusable makeup remover pads

Average RRP: £10

It is estimated that wet wipes are responsible for 93% of blockages in UK sewers, with single-use makeup wipes being contributors to this. 

Reusable makeup remover pads have been developed to tackle this. Made from bamboo and cotton, these pads are 100% biodegradable and can be washed multiple times.

  1. Shampoo bars

Average RRP: £4

Shampoo bars are the perfect solution to cutting down on plastic bottle waste with their plastic-free packaging. 

The organic bars are produced using less water and one bar is predicted to last as long as three bottles of shampoo, saving you trips to the supermarket to re-stock.—orange-and-ginger-essential-oils-100g-10276298?cm_mmc=bmm-buk-google-ppc-_-PLAs-_-(GB:Whoop!)+Eco+Warrior-_-(GB:Whoop!)+Boots+Shopping+-+Category+-+Beauty+-+Desktop&gclid=Cj0KCQjws536BRDTARIsANeUZ5_aKmxrxJ1PXoEi6k0mm_UVKG6BvNbHMXU5-vc5n-aZ3HnfzuxsoRAaAp6OEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds

  1. Menstrual cup

Average RRP: £20

The reusable menstrual cup is a cost-efficient solution to sanitary waste, made from silicone properties.

In terms of saving you money, it is predicted that the average woman spends £4,916 during their reproductive lifetime, whereas a menstrual cup retails at around £15.

  1. ‘Who gives a crap’ reusable toilet paper

This recyclable toilet paper works out to be longer than your supermarket-bought loo roll costing 18.8p for 100 sheets, compared to Tesco’s own-brand version at 15p when bought in a pack of 24. 

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