
WhatsOn Covers : WhatsOn Guide 2020 | Cardi B

WhatsOn Covers : WhatsOn Guide 2020 | Cardi B

WhatsOn is a progressive global media network. It is based in the hub of Birmingham City Center for over 30 years. Our values are: diversity, equality, involvement and unity. WhatsOn supports a balanced lifestyle, real democracy . We speak out against the exploitation of people, animals and the earth. Every month we publish an advanced printed publication. We are covering regional, national and global. What’s going on, where to go, what to do and key topics of discussion selected by our Editor and our R&D department. There is also a digital version for each month. Along with specific guides scheduled throughout the year. To form a multi-media network, we have merged print, social media and digital marketing. 

Belcalis Marlenis Almánzar born October 11, 1992, known professionally as Cardi B, is an American rapper and songwriter. She is known for her aggressive flow and candid lyrics. Born and raised in New York City, she became an internet celebrity by achieving popularity on Vine and Instagram. From 2015 to 2017, she appeared as a regular cast member on the VH1 reality television series Love & Hip Hop: New York, which depicted her pursuit of her music aspirations, and released two mixtapes: Gangsta Bitch Music, Vol. 1 (2016) and Vol. 2 (2017).

Every month WhatsOn Magazine publishes and distributes a free, 68-page magazine around the UK. It is available from many art centers, bars, libraries, universities, tube stations and other cultural venues in all major cities. The magazine is an indispensable guide to cutting edge culture, music, fashion and media for students and young adults. It features the hottest mainstream and underground artists, a fashion section and reports as well as art, performance, event, TV, sport and club listings and film, book, music and game reviews. Check out the online archives of WhatsOn Covers in 

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