
Secrets of People With Extraordinary Willpower

Indomitable Will is a term used to describe the ability to control their impulses and emotions in order to turn their dream into reality. Characters with this skill have the internal strength to overcome fear and resist mind control.
Image result for Mahatma Gandhi said, “Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.”
Some features of People With Extraordinary Willpower are:

1. Clearly define what really want.

The first step to developing great willpower is to get crystal clear on what one want one’s life to be like and why. This helps clearly define what actions to take and what to avoid. it helps greatly if “why” ties into a higher purpose that’s much bigger than oneself.

2. Believe in own ability.

While we don’t have control over everything, we have total control over what kind of behavior we expect of ourselves. Whatever we believe is true, because our choices reflect what we believe.

If one belief “It’s too hard,” then he or she will act in line with that belief. Doubt prevents us from making real effort. People with extraordinary willpower know that one will achieve what one believe. When one think will succeed, will find ways to do just that.

3. Solve problems instead of giving up.
Image result for never give up.

Change is uncomfortable, and so when most people bump up against an obstacle, they’re happy to throw in the towel and see that as an excuse.

Those with great willpower see a bump in the road and take a moment to figure out how to get around it. With practice, anyone can become a creative problem solver, and it’s a lot more fun than giving up and staying stuck.

4. Take full responsibility.

The fastest way to get trapped in unhealthy habits is to blame circumstances. People with extraordinary willpower fully accept the statement, “I alone am responsible for my actions, my habits and my life.” No matter what kind of day one had, instead of looking to blame, divert attention to how can succeed and how can follow through with healthy decisions and actions.

5. Be willing to pay the price.

When we fear the pain that change brings, we get stuck inside the tiny bubble of our “comfort zone” that represents familiar behaviours, thoughts and feelings.

People with extraordinary willpower know they’ll endure a certain level of discomfort to get what they want. They understand that stretching and pushing themselves out of their comfort zone is simply part of the system of change.

6. Be fully present to emotions.

Emotions help us navigate through life. As Albert Einstein said, “Discontent is the first necessity of progress.” When one feel own feelings and stay in touch with own needs and desires for life, you focus on making improvements rather than avoidance.

7. Be open to positive possibilities.

Our brains are like a filter, clinging to all the negative experiences we have as we go through life as “learning experiences,” while tossing aside the positive experiences as “flukes” or coincidences.

When one become conscious of this tendency, it gets easier to flip the equation and focus on what’s working and what doing right, which is an essential motivating element of sticking to plans.

8. Love own-self unconditionally.

Many of us think we can whip ourselves and our lives into shape by punishing ourselves with diets or routines we don’t even like. What we often forget is that healthy habits and productive actions can easily be enjoyable when we consciously frame them that way.
Image result for Secrets of People With Extraordinary Willpower

To strengthen willpower, get creative in finding pleasurable and healthy ways to show ownself unconditional love.

9. Focus on values, not perfection.

When we act from a place of expecting perfection, we keep our lives restricted by rules to maintain a false sense of control, which results in a fear of making mistakes. When we inevitably make mistakes because we’re only human, we experience a crisis of confidence, hopelessness or shame.

When we drop perfectionism and instead we focus on our values we’re better able to learn from mistakes. This promotes wisdom, improvement and growth.

10. Don’t judge others negatively.

Frankly, it’s much easier to criticize others than it is to go after what we really want in life, but while we’re busy judging and comparing, we have way less time and energy left over to make our own lives great.

People with extraordinary willpower look objectively at other people’s success, admire the hard work that went into it, and use that as inspiration.

>Juthy Saha

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