

Tia Talks – How To: Social Media Detox

By Tia ChamAn Ofcom study found that the average Brit checks their smartphone every 12 minutes and spend 2 hours a day on social...

Gene Therapy Can Cure Genetic Disorder...

CRISPR technology report says that genetic disorder can be cured by administrating gene therapy which allows to mend mutations in the brains of foetuses...

Measles outbreak in Philippines: 70 Dead

A measles outbreak in Metro Manila and Central Luzon that killed 70 in just over one month and most of the affected people are...

Less Sitting, More Moving for Living...

To reduce risk of early death, sitting must be replaced with exercise, as plenty of "sitting is the new smoking" research has found. Study...

Berlin: World's First no-Kill Eggs go...

No-kill eggs are not dreams anymore as the world’s first of its kind are now on sale in Berlin. This becomes possible when German...

Malaysia: Gloves Factories Accused of Forced...

Firms supplying health service allegedly exploit thousands of migrants. The National Health Service is utilizing therapeutic gloves made in Malaysian production lines where vagrants...

Jordan: Flash Floods Havoc Results in...

Tourism is one of the economic sources of Jordan which greatly affected due to recent flash floods unleashed by heavy rain. The local peoples...

UK: England’s Sexual Health Clinic Facing...

Health security is one of the basic securities concerned with public health and services linked to social security scheme. In England the clinics providing...

Australian Scientists Unveil World-First Blood Test...

Researchers in Australia have developed the world’s first blood test on Wednesday which is capable of detecting melanoma in its early stages with significant...