
5 Awesome Meditation Techniques

We are often so busy and feel there is no time to stop and meditate! But meditation actually gives more time by making mind calmer and more focused. Meditation can also help us to understand our mind. We can learn how to transform our mind from negative to positive, from disturbed to peaceful, from unhappy to happy. Overcoming negative minds and cultivating constructive thoughts is the purpose of the transforming meditations. This is a profound spiritual practice you can enjoy throughout the day, not just while seated in meditation.
To figure out what kind of meditation works best for one, he or she has to put a few types of meditation and try several tools to choose the practice that one feels the most comfortable.
1: Breathing Meditation:
Breathing Meditation
This is one of the best meditation techniques for beginners. It is ancient, powerful and effective, by simply watching breath, give mind something to focus on in a relaxed way.
Get in a comfortable position, close eyes and begin to observe the sensations of breathing. Pay attention to how it feels as you draw air in through your nose, down into your lungs and back out again through your mouth. Don’t need to control or force breathing in any way. Just watch. If mind wanders and it will don’t worry or criticize yourself, this is normal in the beginning. Gently bring your attention back to your breathing and continue.
2: Mindfulness Meditation:

Mindfulness Meditation
This type of meditation allows being fully present at the moment by bringing your attention to the sensations within the body. Start by focusing on your breath then allow yourself to become aware of other sensations – how you’re sitting, where you feel tension or tingling or ease. The goal here is to become a neutral observer. Try not to analyze or judge anything you experience or any thought that passes through your mind. Simply observe.
3: Mantra Meditation:
A mantra is a word or phrase that one can say aloud or repeat it silently during meditation. The purpose of the mantra is to give you something to put your attention on other than your thoughts. You may use any phrase you like. Some people like to use words like “Peace” or “Love”. The ancient Sanskrit word, “aum” is a mystical syllable often used in chants or as a meditative mantra, which literally translates to “I am”.
4: Walking Meditation:
Walking Meditation
If sitting still for too long makes you squirm, try the walking meditation technique. One can do this just about anywhere, although a garden or other pleasing environment is ideal. Simply focus on body as it moves: arms as they swing, legs as they lift and extend, feet as they rise and touch the ground. As with all meditation techniques, when you find your mind wandering, gently bring attention back to the movement. Try not to judge, just observe the sensation of walking.
5: Empty Mind Meditation:

This meditation technique allows to be aware without any specific focus. Simply sit quietly with eyes closed and allow thoughts to float freely in and out of your mind. As they come and go, observe them without judgment or attachment.
Simple meditation techniques to help a beginner
meditation techniques to help a beginner
A. Choose a convenient time.
B. Choose a quiet Place.
C. Sit in a comfortable posture.
D. Keep a relatively empty stomach.
E. Start with a few warm-ups.
F. Take a few deep breaths.
G. Keep a Gentle Smile on Face.
H. Open Eyes Slowly and Gently.
>Juthy Saha

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