
10 ways to ‘Stop the War’ (Part 2)

Amid the increasing stressful fog of war, it’s hard to say what will happen in the future, even in near future! We are all packed and hurt with the news from the battlefield, the diplomatic noises off, the emotion of the grieving and displaced; all the hardships the world is seeing through the Ukraine-Russia invasion. Within no time it has turned into a fierce war. We all want No War, we must Stop the War. What can be the probable outcome of the war is initial debate but right now most important is to eliminate the war within the nations.

Some of the root causes of the current crisis are embedded in the complex history of Ukraine and Russia. The war needs to be stopped as the situation is getting worse with each passing day.

Let’s know about 10 ways to ‘Stop The War’

Demilitarize the world

As long as there are militaries outside of a country’s own border- there always will be a threat of war. To stop a war, this threat must be removed. In order to make it happen, all the countries who are involved in wars should retreat immediately- the ocean should be the home of marine animals, not gigantic warships

Justice Has to be served

An event, where every bullet and penny is being spent to kill someone- is a crime. That’s why, people who have started wars in the present or in the past have faced punishment, and all those millions of people who are the victims have to be compensated.

Neutral Investigation

All the events of any act of war have to be investigated by someone neutral. The United Nations finally can play the role it was created for-and they can hold up the investigation and bring the people to justice.

Change the scenario

Imagine a war without guns and weapons. Military interventions, guns, and weapons- all have to be stopped at once, all together. This will end no one knows how many possible wars.

Countries to be equal and Non-Aligned

Every country has to be treated equally and with respect in the era of international politics. No country’s sovereignty will be ill-treated or threatened by any other nation. Even if any such incident occurs, all the other nations have to come together and stop it.

Read the previous article here-

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