
WhatsOn Cover Star : Dua Lipa| Gap Travel Guide 2024

The latest issue of WhatsOn magazine is here, and it’s packed with everything you need to make the most of your gap year in 2024. This edition features the global superstar Dua Lipa on the cover, highlighting her incredible journey from her roots in Kosovo to becoming a worldwide sensation. Alongside her inspiring story, the magazine offers a comprehensive Gap Travel Guide, filled with tips, destinations, and experiences that will make your year unforgettable.

Dua Lipa: From Kosovo to Global Stardom

Dua Lipa’s rise to fame is nothing short of extraordinary. Born in London to an ethnic Albanian family from Kosovo, Lipa’s early life was steeped in music, thanks to her father, a rock singer. Her journey took a significant turn when she moved back to London at the age of 15 to pursue her dreams. Attending the prestigious Sylvia Young Theatre School, she balanced her studies with modeling to support herself, all while honing her musical talents.Her breakthrough came with the release of her debut album in 2017, which included hits like “New Rules” and “IDGAF.” Lipa’s sophomore album, “Future Nostalgia,” released in 2020, solidified her status as a pop powerhouse, earning her multiple Grammy Awards. Her latest single, “Training Season,” reflects her growth and confidence, resonating with fans worldwide.

The Ultimate Gap Travel Guide 2024

Planning a gap year can be overwhelming, but WhatsOn’s Gap Travel Guide 2024 makes it easier than ever. Here’s a sneak peek at what you can expect:

Top Destinations

  1. Africa: From the savannahs of Kenya to the vibrant streets of Marrakech, Africa offers diverse landscapes and rich cultural experiences. Don’t miss the Maasai Mara Game Reserve in Kenya or the Pyramids of Egypt.
  2. Asia: Explore the bustling cities of Tokyo and Beijing, or find peace in the serene temples of Kyoto. Asia’s blend of ancient traditions and modern marvels is perfect for any traveler.
  3. Europe: Whether it’s the historical landmarks of Rome, the artistic streets of Paris, or the scenic beauty of the Swiss Alps, Europe is a treasure trove of experiences.
  4. Americas: From the vibrant culture of Rio de Janeiro to the iconic landmarks of New York City, the Americas offer endless adventures. Don’t forget to visit the natural wonders like Niagara Falls and the Grand Canyon.
  5. Oceania: Australia and New Zealand are ideal for thrill-seekers and nature lovers. Surf the waves in Sydney, explore the Great Barrier Reef, or hike through New Zealand’s stunning landscapes.

Travel Tips and Safety

  • Health and Safety: Stay informed about necessary vaccinations and health precautions for each destination. Always carry a basic medical kit and stay hydrated.
  • Packing Essentials: Pack light but smart. Include versatile clothing, essential documents, and travel gadgets like a portable charger and a good camera.
  • Budgeting: Plan your finances carefully. Look for student discounts, budget accommodations, and affordable travel options.

Volunteering and Cultural Immersion

Volunteering is a great way to give back while traveling. The guide lists numerous opportunities across the globe, from teaching English in rural schools to participating in wildlife conservation projects. Engaging with local communities not only enriches your travel experience but also helps you make a positive impact.

Exclusive Interviews and Features

The magazine also includes exclusive interviews with travel experts and influencers who share their insights and tips. Learn from their experiences and get inspired to create your own adventure.

Fashion and Lifestyle

Stay stylish on the go with WhatsOn’s fashion tips. From packing the perfect travel wardrobe to maintaining your beauty routine on the road, the magazine covers it all. Plus, discover the latest travel gadgets and accessories that will make your journey smoother and more enjoyable.


The WhatsOn Cover 2024 featuring Dua Lipa is more than just a magazine; it’s your ultimate guide to an unforgettable gap year. With detailed travel guides, safety tips, and inspiring stories, it’s the perfect companion for your adventures. So grab your copy, get inspired, and start planning the journey of a lifetime!

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