
Russia to quit International Space Station after 2024

Russia takes on the biggest decision of quitting the International Space Station after 2024. This decision is taken by the newly appointed chief of Moscow’s space agency. This was informed to Vladimir Putin on Tuesday. The circumstance through which Russia is going through is crippled with a lot of tension. Previously, Russia has decided to curtail the supply of gas to the European countries due to some technical issues.
This big decision taken by Russia is aggravated by odds as there are tensions that rage between the Kremlin and the West. All of it brings back the turmoil between Russia and Ukraine which points out many unresolved issues and many unprecedented sanctions against Moscow. Yury Borisov, who is appointed as the Roscosmos chief in mid-July told Putin that they will serve on the obligations with their partners. They are firm on their decision to leave this station after 2024. Russia and the United States have worked together on the ISS.

Russia to leave ISS by 2024
Russia to leave ISS after 2024

The space program’s main priority would be to start the work of putting together a Russian orbital station as put forward by Borisov. He pointed out that the space industry was in a difficult situation. He puts forward his plan which promises to raise the bar. He attempts to provide the Russian economy with necessary aid regarding space services. This includes data transmission, pointing to navigation, and communication among a lot of other things. Moving back the accomplishments Russia made this far includes sending the first man to space in the year 1961. It has also bagged the achievement of launching the first satellite four years earlier.
A series of blows has taken the previous glory into a shadowed existence including corruption, scandals, and the loss faced by the satellites and other spacecraft. The United States has received no official notice from Russia as it calls quits after 2024.

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