
Free Public Transports in Luxembourg

The fares on trains, trams and buses from next summer and tickets are set to be abolished in Luxembourg, for the first time in the world  under the plans of the re-elected prime minister Xavier Bettel.
Luxembourg City, the capital of the small Grand Duchy, suffers from some of the worst traffic congestion in the world. PM Xavier Bettel, who has elected for second term on Wednesday, had vowed to prioritize the environment during the recent election campaign.
His Democratic party will form a government with the left-wing Socialist Workers’ party and the Greens, and will take office in the Grand Duchy, with the promise of abolishing tickets of all public transports.
Luxembourg is home to about 110,000 people, but a further 400,000 commute into the city to work.A study suggested that drivers in the capital spent an average of 33 hours in traffic jams in 2016.
While the country as a whole has 600,000 inhabitants, nearly 200,000 people living in France, Belgium and Germany cross the border every day to work in Luxembourg.
Luxembourg has increasingly shown a progressive attitude to transport. This summer, the government brought in free transport for every child and young person under the age of 20.
Secondary school students can use free shuttles between their institution and their home. Commuters need only pay €2 (US$2.20) for up to two hours of travel, which in a country of just 2,590 square kilometres covers almost all journeys.

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