
Redefining Art: 6 Must-See Exhibitions!

Immerse yourself in a world of artistic wonders. Discover six groundbreaking exhibitions that are reshaping the art landscape. From the revolutionary Rossetti generation to the power of Black art, ancient Egypt’s allure, Picasso’s multidimensional genius, and the legacy of post-Impressionism, these must-see showcases will ignite your imagination and redefine what art can be.


6 April – 24 September 2023

When: 6 April – 24 September 2023

Where: Tate Britain, Millbank, London SW1P 4RG

Redefining Art: 6 Must-See Exhibitions! 7

Experience the revolutionary art and unconventional relationships of the Rossetti generation at this immersive exhibition. Delve into the works of Dante Gabriel, Christina, and Elizabeth Rossetti through spoken poetry, paintings, photography, and more. Discover their captivating world at Tate, featuring the largest showcase of Dante Gabriel Rossetti’s pictures in two decades and the most comprehensive exhibition of Elizabeth Siddal’s work in 30 years.

“Soul of a Nation: Art in the Age of Black Power”

When: June 12, 2022 to October 2, 2022

Where: Tate Modern in London, UK

Soul of a Nation Art in the Age of Black Powe 2

This exhibition explores the Black Power movement through art, and features work by artists such as Kerry James Marshall, Kara Walker, and Betye Saar. This exhibition showcases the works of African-American artists spanning two decades. Inspired by Emory Douglas’s statement that the ghetto itself is the gallery for revolutionary artists, the exhibition challenges traditional notions of art spaces. It offers a chance to revisit and re-examine familiar areas while focusing on the often-ignored African-American artists. The artworks grapple with significant moments in the fight for civil rights, reflecting both pain and defiance. This exhibition celebrates their struggle for visibility and the right to exist in these spaces.

“Saul Leiter: A Retrospective”

When: June 21, 2023 to September 11, 2023

Where: Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York City, USA.

Saul Leiter A Retrospective

Saul Leiter, a pioneering American photographer, created stunning color images with a unique and painterly quality. Initially overlooked, his work gained recognition with the publication of “Early Color” in 2006. Leiter is now regarded as a post-war photography icon, with his photographs held in prestigious collections worldwide. This exhibition is the first major retrospective of Leiter’s work in the United States, and features over 200 photographs.


When: April 7 to September 6, 2023

Where: At the Grande Halle de La Villette.

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Discover a new and immersive exhibition in Paris that brings ancient Egypt to life. “Ramses and the Gold of the Pharaohs” showcases the life of Ramses the Great and features the remarkable sarcophagus of the pharaoh. Following the success of the Tutankhamun exhibition, this installation at the Grande Halle de La Villette offers a captivating journey through time and space. Don’t miss this extraordinary experience.

‘Picasso: Matter & Body’

When & Where

  • May 8-Sept 10, The Museo Picasso, Málaga, Spain
  • Sept 29-Jan 14 Guggenheim Bilbao, Spain
Picasso Matter Body

Although Picasso’s sculptures were often overshadowed by his paintings, they played a significant role in his artistic career. It wasn’t until 1966, with the exhibition “Hommage à Pablo Picasso” in Paris, followed by a dedicated exhibition at the Tate Gallery in London the next year, that his three-dimensional works received critical attention. However, Picasso himself viewed sculpture as equal in importance to painting, considering them complementary forms of expression. He saw the interplay between painting and sculpture as a means to explore and define the essence of each medium. As Pierre Daix states, Picasso was “at least as great a sculptor as he was a painter.”

After Impressionism: Inventing Modern Art

When: Until 13 August 2023

Where: The National Gallery in London, England

Ticket: From £24 Monday – Friday
From £26 Saturday and Sunday

After Impressionism Inventing Modern Art

he exhibition you are describing sounds fascinating! It would be amazing to see how these artists broke with tradition and laid the foundations for modern art. I especially like that the exhibition focuses on the influences of Cézanne, van Gogh, and Gauguin on other artists. It will be interesting to see how their work inspired others to create new and innovative art. The exhibition includes a variety of media, including paintings, sculptures, and drawings. This will give visitors a well-rounded view of the art of this period.

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Tama Sarker
Tama Sarker

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